The month of February holds a lot of change for the Ashby family. First Tyler will be leaving to serve his 2 year mission on February 3 2010. Then on February 22 2010 Joe's parents Dave and Bonnie will be leaving to serve an 18 month mission in Iceland. We are so happy for both Tyler and mom and dad Ashby to be serving they will be missed, but we know that they will be so blessed by serving missions. I am a world of emotions right now I don't know whether to laugh or cry. I find if I keep myself constantly busy I don't have time to cry. This next week will be very hard for myself and my family I remember putting my brothers in the MTC and the emotions that came along with having them leave. The last few days Tyler and I have been looking at the mission presidents blog and its been so fun seeing the other elders and sisters and the smiles on there faces in all of the pictures. I've joined LDS missionary moms a website based out of Lehi. Its been fun hearing from other moms that have missionaries either entering the MTC the same day as Tyler or have missionaries serving already in Pennsylvania. Its been a very positive experience so far. Thanks to all the family and friends that have helped in any way this past couple of months. Wish us luck ready or not here we go.
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